Professors from the University of Nottingham Visit ECUST for Academic Exchange
Professor Amalia Patane of the University of Nottingham and Associate Professor Lyudmila Turyanska came to ECUST for academic exchanges on March 20th, 2019. The academic exchange event was chaired by Professor Luan Weiling of the School of Mechanic and Power Engineering and attended by teachers and students of the School of Mechanic and Power Engineering. At the exchange event, Professor Luan Weiling delivered an academic report entitled “Searching for transformative materials beyond graphene: The rise of indium selenide”, introducing a film of van der Waals crystals of atomic thickness. Associate Professor Lyudmila Turyanska delivered a report entitled “Functional low dimensional materials”. Associate Professor Yan Yabin and the graduate students of the School reported their academic research progress respectively, and the teachers and students conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges. Accompanied by Prof. Weiwei Wei, the two guests visited part of the test platform and infrastructure of the Key Laboratory of Education Ministry on Pressure Systems and Safety. Professors of the two sides from ECUST and the University of Nottingham conducted in-depth discussions on academic cooperation and talent exchange, and hoped to deepen cooperation research.