Nature-Communication Publishes ECUST Latest Progress in Carrier Transfer Dynamics at Surface Interface 

Recently, the team of Professor Wang Haifeng from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, ECUST, has made important progress in the study of carrier transfer dynamics at the surface interface, and the related results were published in Nature-Communication with the title of “Stretching Vibration Driven Adiabatic Transfer Kinetics for Photoexcited Hole Transfer from Semiconductor to Adsorbate”. This study reveals the transfer mechanism of photo-excited electron holes at the interface between semiconductor and adsorbate, and provides a new theoretical insight into the conversion process from light energy to chemical energy in photocatalytic reaction.

The article is first authored by postdoctoral fellow Zhou Min of the School of Chemistry, ECUST and corresponding authored by Professor Wang Haifeng, with East China University of Science and Technology as the only academic affiliation.   The research work was funded by the National Key R&D Plan, the Youth Science Fund Project of the National Natural Science Foundation, the 4th batch of special support from the Postdoctoral Science Fund (before the station) and the 72nd batch of general support from the Postdoctoral Science Fund (second class).


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237