Angewandte Chemie Publishes ECUST New Progress in Catalysts for Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis of Water with Anion Exchange Membrane
Recently, the team of clean energy materials and devices in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, ECUST has made important progress in the field of catalysts for hydrogen production by electrolysis of water with anion exchange membrane. The related research article was published online in the international authoritative journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition with the title of “Oxygen Plasma Triggered Co-O-Fe Motif in PrussianBlue Analogue for Efficient and Robust Alkaline Water Oxidation”.
The article was cor-first authored by doctoral candidates Xu Haoguan and Zhu Chen, from School of Materials Science and Engineering and co-corresponding authored by Associate Professor Liu Pengfei, Associate Professor Yuan Haiyang and Professor Yang Huagui, with East China University of Science and Technology as their only academic affiliation. The research work has been funded by Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Shanghai Basic Research Special Zone.